Concrete Replacement

One of the major projects for 2024 is the continued replacement of concrete on the pool deck.

In our March board meeting, we approved funding for the replacement in two major areas. Demolition began this past week (March 15th). New concrete will be poured sometime in mid to late April.

Entry and Funbrella Area

This area encompasses a large section of pads near the main entry gate and the Funbrella. In addition to replacing deteriorating concrete, this section will allow us to fix multiple drainage issues.

You may have noticed that the area near the main entry gate tends to get dirty quickly. The drainage is poor, and despite the best efforts of our staff, dirt and debris collect here quickly due to accumulating water. We don’t know the entire history of what happened or what was done here, but there appears to have been an effort at some point to “fix” the drainage. It didn’t work. We’ll tear up this whole area and attempt to fix it correctly.

There’s also a lot of cracking and patchwork in this area. Long ago, there was a separate shallow pool in the area now occupied by the Funbrella. Presumably, the small squares of concrete in this area patch prior posts that separated this area from the main pool deck.

Southwest Corner

Drainage is very poor along the southwest corner of the pool deck (under the trees). Ground heave has caused these pads to slope inwards, accumulating water (and dirt). Despite our efforts to clean and power wash this area – it’s been a losing battle.

We briefly explored the option of raising this section (concrete leveling, aka “mud jacking”) but decided this would only be a temporary solution. In addition to replacing this section of concrete, a separate project will correct the slope of the adjacent land (outside the pool deck) and add drainage. This should reduce heaving in the future.

A small section in the southwest corner of the pool deck will also be replaced. There’s some concern about the integrity of the concrete under the guard stand. These five pads will be re-poured into one or two new pads:

Deferred Portion

A third area was considered – but will ultimately be deferred until 2025 due to budget constraints.